Cercle Brugge.
From underdog to ballsy brand


With a legacy of 123 years, Cercle Brugge is a Belgian soccer veteran. And yet, in 2022, the team has never felt younger. The board is keeping its eye on the ball, the team kicks ass and combined, their belief in the next generation is palpable. In other words: there’s a real drive. But one that wasn’t necessarily reflected in the club’s branding. So we created a brand that matches the way Cercle is today. Hungry. Energetic. And ballsy. But still respecting its past.

Our game plan was to honour Cercle’s rich past, and yet position its future front and centre. A strategy based on their sustainable philosophy, their strong sense of community and a firm belief in future generations. Both on – and off – the pitch.

Brand identity

Its dominant colour? Green! Not surprisingly. The colour has been associated with Cercle from the very beginning. And it still is. But now, it has been given some extra kick. Pulsating circles, galvanising the team. And a sturdy front, ready to attack. Placed at an angle. Twelve to be precise, as it is Cercle’s very own matricule.

The new logo too honours its predecessor. With recognisable elements like the letter C, the circle and the pentagon. They are still there, but with a more energetic look and feel. Sleek, powerful and assertive.