Joli. Strong product to strong brand.


Superb, high-quality tables – there was no argument about that. But nobody knew what the story behind the product was. SKINN’s job was to change that and put the previously hidden brand experience in the prominent position where it belonged.

Before, retailers used to determine the public’s perception of the brand; now, Joli is back in control, and creating the brand experience it wants in every setting. Joli is not just a designer table, but a complete lifestyle, and that’s exactly the vibe it now gives off


We opted for a rebranding in which the table is the hero of the story, but the brand story itself is a completely new and distinctive one. We created a fresh, contemporary logo, advised Joli to reduce its large number of collections to four and developed a clear brand experience that retailers can use.

Lasting memories… With an extensive photo and video shoot we were able to make the brand memorable in a tasteful way. We linked the products to a human emotion and gave a face to the lifestyle that the brand represents. A synergy between person and product that conveys the idea of savoring the moment and a sustainable way of life.

Brand Identity

Joli’s visual identity is based on the elementary shape of the tables. The soft, flowing outlines are reflected in the logo and magnified into windows and shapes in which videos and photos can be used.


Together with our client, we decided to focus even more on online visibility. Previously, the products could mainly be found on retailers’ sales channels, but we restored the communication role to Joli. As well as a website that presents the whole story, we developed an online plan that also makes Joli strong digitally.